The contents provided by Aucmand Pte Ltd are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

Individual customer experiences with Aucmand Skincare products may vary with respect to both effectiveness, and potential adverse reactions. Results given in testimonials are from real customers who have used Aucmand Skincare products, but similar results are not guaranteed. Individual results may vary depending on skin type, sensitivity, age, and skincare history, as well as how the product is applied.

Before use, it is advisable to test the product on a small area of skin to check for sensitivity or allergic reaction. Should irritation occur, adjust usage accordingly. If irritation persists, discontinue use, and in the unlikely case of severe irritation seek professional medical advice. Aucmand Pte Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for any adverse consequences resulting directly or indirectly from the use of our products.

Contact your doctor immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem or emergency.


We endeavour to provide satisfaction for all our customers. However, should you be unhappy with your purchase, we will promptly issue a refund or exchange ​an unsatisfactory product for another one.

Please send us an email at ​info@aucmand.com


We pride ourselves with an innovative beauty treatment, supported by years of research and laboratory test results. We endeavour satisfaction from our users and strive to provide high-quality products.

Should you for any reason be unhappy with your purchase, upon product return we will issue a refund of the purchase price*.

Return Policy

    • Returnsareacceptedwithin30daysofreceipt.
    • Anyproductissuesmustbereportedwithin14daysofreceiving.
    • *Returnsmustincludeallproductsshipped,includinganygiftwith purchase, promotional products or samples.
    • Wewillrefundthepurchasepricepaidfortheitem(s)plusanytaxpaid on the item(s), less any discounts, rebates, credits or refunds already given to you in connection with such products.
    • Intheeventthatyoureturnpartofakit,wewillrefundtheportionof the purchase price allocable to the product you are returning.
    • Wecannotacceptreturnsonproductsthathavebeenheavilyused.
    • Originalshippingandhandlingchargesarenon-refundable(if applicable).
    • Productsspecifiedasnon-returnableornotforresalecannotbe returned.
    • Pleaseallow14businessdaysforAucmandPteLtdtoreceiveand process your return.
    • ProductsmusthavebeenpurchaseddirectlyfromAucmandPteLtd. We cannot accept returns of products purchased from other retailers. For returns purchased through these channels, please contact the store directly.

How to Return

Should you decide to return a product please email our Customer Care team at info@aucmand.com with the following information:

● Acopyofyourorder
● Order#
● Fullname
● Email address
● Phone number
● Reason for return/exchange

Failure to include this information will delay processing and/or your return will be sent back to you.

We are unable to mail return labels to international addresses. International customers are responsible for return shipping costs.

Price adjustments will be honored for recently purchased items up to 14 days post-purchase.

For more information, see our FAQs and Disclaimer.

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